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The Wilshire Way

The Wilshire Way is more than a slogan. It represents the very core of our organization, what we stand for, and what we promise!

A Better way to Engage Our Customers

Do the Right Things, Always

We demonstrate an unwavering commitment to doing the right thing in every action we take and in every decision we make, especially when no one’s looking. If someone makes a mistake, they own up to it, apologize, and make it right.

Do what's Best for the Client

In all situations, we act in the best interests of our clients, even if it’s to our own short-term detriment. There’s no greater way to build a reputation than to earn the trust of those we serve.

Deliver Legendary Service

It’s all about the experience. Do the little things, as well as the big things that surprise people. Go the extra mile to solve the problem. Do the unexpected and create extraordinary experiences they’ll tell stories about.

Honor Commitments

There’s no better way to earn people’s trust than to be true to one’s word. We do what we say we will do, when we say we will do it. This includes being on time for all phone calls, appointments, meetings, and promises. If a commitment can’t be fulfilled, we will notify others early and agree on a new timeframe to be honored.

Make Quality Personal

We demonstrate a passion for excellence and take pride in the quality of everything we do. We have a healthy disdain for mediocrity where good is not good enough. We always ask ourselves, “is this the best that I can do?

Find a Way

We take full responsibility for our actions and our success. We respond to every situation by looking for how we can do it rather than explaining why it can’t be done. We are resourceful and show initiative to make things happen.

Practice Blameless Problem-Solving

Just fix it. Apply your creativity and enthusiasm to developing solutions, rather than pointing fingers or dwelling on problems. Identify lessons learned and use those lessons to improve ourselves and our processes so we don’t make the same mistake twice. Learn from every experience.

Set and Ask for Expectations

Create clarity and avoid misunderstandings by discussing expectations upfront. Set those for others and ask when you’re not clear on what they expect of you.

Invest in relationships

Our business is built on trust and trust is built on relationships. Make sound decisions that enhance long-term relationships. Strong relationships enable us to work through difficult issues and challenging times.

Check the Ego at the Door

It’s not about you. Don’t let your own ego get in the way of doing what best for the organization. Be open to learning from others, no matter what role they have. Encourage honest feedback. Everyone has something he/she can teach us and everyone’s perspective has value.

Listen Generously

Listening is more than simply “not speaking”. Give others your undivided attention. Quiet the noise in your head and let go of the need to agree or disagree. Suspend your judgment and be curious to know more, rather than jumping to conclusions. Above all, listen to understand.

Speak Straight

Speak honestly in a way that moves the action forward, rather than just unloading. Say what you mean and be willing to ask questions, share ideas, or raise issues that may cause conflict when it’s necessary for team success. Address issues directly with those who are involved or affected.

Assume Positive Intent

Work from the assumption that people are good, fair and honest, and that the intent behind their actions is positive. Set aside your own judgements and preconceived notions. You get what you focus on. Give people the benefit of the doubt.

Share the Why

Before others can understand what to do or how to do it, they must first understand why. Explain the big picture. The more people understand the reason for what we’re doing, the more actively they can participate in the solution.

Support Each Other

Be there for each other and be willing to step into another role or help a co-worker when that’s what’s required for success. Help each other to be great. There’s no such thing as one person or one department succeeding and another falling short. We win and lose as a team.

Be Relentless About Improvement

Continuously reevaluate every aspect of your job to find ways to improve. Never be satisfied with the status quo. “Because we’ve always done it that way” is not an acceptable reason. Find ways to get things done better, faster, and more efficiently.

Be a Mentor

Take responsibility, both formally and informally, to coach, guide, teach, and mentor others. Being a mentor doesn’t mean you know all the answers; rather that you’re eager to share and learn with your team-mates. The stronger your teammates are, the more successful we can all be.

Walk-in your Client's Shoes

Understand both your internal and external clients’ world. Know their challenges and frustrations. Show empathy. See the world from their perspective. The better you understand them, the more effectively you can anticipate and meet their needs.

Share Information

Share information and work together. Learn to ask yourself, “who else needs to know this?” Collaborate internally and with our clients and carriers to find better solutions. Collaboration generates better ideas than working alone.

Embrace Change and Growth

What got us here is not the same as what will get us to the next level. Get outside your comfort zone, rather than stubbornly hanging on to old ways of doing things. Change and growth provide us with unique opportunities for competitive advantage. Be excited by the possibilities that change and growth bring.

Be the Expert

A big part of the value we add for clients is the knowledge and expertise we bring to every situation. Be a student of our products and our industry and make yourself an expert. Demonstrate a hunger for knowledge. Be a lifetime learner.

Celebrate Success

Recognizing people doing things right is more effective than pointing out when they do things wrong. Regularly extend meaningful acknowledgment and appreciation – in all directions throughout our organization, and with our clients and business partners.

Make Every Interaction Count

Every interaction, whether it’s face to face, a phone call, e-mail, letter, or even a voicemail, makes an impression. Pay attention to every interaction to make sure that you’re displaying a tone of friendliness, warmth, and helpfulness. Every interaction reinforces people’s decision to work with us.

Think and Act Like an Owner

Make decisions by asking yourself, “What would I do if this were my company? What would I do if this were my own money? Is there a better way? Will this help the company to succeed?”

Maintain a Healthy Work/Life Balance

Stay happier, healthier, and more productive by balancing your time between work, community activities, family life, emotional/spiritual development, and physical fitness.

Be Obsessive About Organization

No matter how smart you are, if you can’t manage multiple issues, tasks, and promises, you won’t be a superstar. Use good systems to plan your work and to prioritize and track outstanding issues and responsibilities.

Take Pride in Our Appearance

Your personal appearance makes a strong statement about the pride you take in your performance. Dress neatly and professionally. The appearance of our office makes a similar statement about the quality of our work. Take responsibility to ensure that everything a client sees is clean, neat, and professional.

Be Proactive

Solve problems before they happen by anticipating future issues, planning for contingencies, and addressing them in advance. Do your homework and be prepared for all meetings, calls, and appointments.

Make a Difference

Be an active part of your community. Give back by contributing your time, effort, and where appropriate, your money, to make your community better. Every little bit matters. You can and do make a difference.

Keep Things Fun

Remember that the world has bigger problems than the daily challenges that make up our work. Stuff happens. Keep perspective. Don’t take things personally or take yourself too seriously. Laugh every day.

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